EVOLVE Store & Forward Battery Storage for EV Charging

The growing number of electric cars on the road, however, has brought an increasing need for charging points in condo and workplace areas. Scalable upstream battery storage minimizes high demand charges. charging infrastructure to support the mass deployment for EV charging.

Our GENIUS smart panel pulls all this together in an agnostic approach so you can still protect your original EV Charger investment.

Growth in electric vehicle sales worldwide is expected to boost demand for charging points, with up to 40 million installed by 2030. Is your MURB, MUD, Condo or Workplace ready? Do you know how much electricity is required to install 100 Level II EV Chargers? Does your building have the infrastructure to support the demand in electricity?

If you answered “No” to any of the above – EVOLVE SF Battery Storage system provides large scale EV installations in buildings with a constrained electrical infrastructure.