Client Managed

myEVroute™ Vendor Managed Services is a comprehensive set of services geared towards simplifying everything about establishing and operating a charge station program for a company or a governmental organization’s drivers.

This fully OCPP-compliant network management solution which is completely switchable at the end of the service contract is built on top of KSI’s industry leading myEV Cloud platform and is offered as a software license with the ability to:

  • Monitor all of the Level 2 and Level 3 charge stations in real time
  • Control access to all Level 2 and Level 3 charge stations
  • Consulting services focused on EV charging Program Design & Execution
  • Charge station configuration and management including access and pricing control
  • Driver on-boarding services
  • Site and driver support services (email/or phone)
  • Driver and site manager training services
  • Charge station uptime monitoring
  • Usage reporting and program review

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Innovative Network Features

The Client-Managed myEVroute™ portal offers industry-leading ease-of-use and incorporates unique management innovations that reduce the station management burden, while providing new capabilities in configuration and load management.

The goal is to provide any user with little or no system knowledge to quickly ascertain the state of their EV network without having to dig through pages of reports while providing experts with an ability to quickly drill down into pricing configuration, access controls or detailed reports.

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